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Making time for YOU!

Why do I not make time for ME ?

Is it the guilty feeling, of thinking I can allow time for self?

I’ve become a Mother and lost the social life had as a woman ! 

I’m a Mum who doesn’t go out often, but the last few weeks I’ve been out a couple of evenings! I made the time for me and it was worth it, WHAT A LAUGH I had.

I somewhat lost identity and self-image when Mum roles overtook !

One evening I went out, it was after the children’s bedtime, that made things a little easier to leave the house and to leave my husband to “babysit”. In fact you probably find as soon as I left he put some goory dvd on – which would not have gone on if it was us two sat watching the television – so really I’ve benefited from going out as I met my friends for drinks, also he’s benefited from me going out as he sits watching his dvd he’s been wanting to watch for ages. The children are in bed so they know no difference. 

I seem to have lost my own NAME along the way of Motherhood !

Family start referring to you as “Mummy” your partner and people you meet may too when you go out with the children. Let’s not forget the children whom you’ve been eager for them to say Mummy from the moment they said Dada that now, say MUMMY MUMMY MUMMY MUMMY to get your attention. 

Making time for ourselves; as we are still an individual, we do still have a first name; is important to us and our family. Making the time to read a few pages of a familiar book, or listen to some favourite songs, or soak in a warm bath, or even look to go out for an evening with friends.

You can make time with other Mums – then you all get to make time together!

Make Time for YOU – YOU Deserve it !

 Motherwell Mum Blogger