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Thoughts at Christmas

There’s good and not-so good in each day, which somewhat seems heightened for School Holidays !

The pressure that comes with taking time away from work for the School Holidays.

The pressure that comes with working through the School Holidays.

The struggle of nurseries, schools, colleges all having different dates for the holidays.

The days before Christmas entertaining the children with little cost. 

To visiting family with the hours of car journeys.

There’s still all the usual housework, parenting duties and squeezing even more in the little time available.

All seems managable at the start of the holiday and the enjoyment that Christmas Day will bring. 

Then come those days, where it seems that everything goes wrong and a count down to when they go back to school or you return to work has starts, as it seems easier to be in the routine.

Motherhood can become consumed with guilt if we let it – being guilty for anything and everything !!

Congratulate yourself !

  • Focus of the present, rather than in the past or future.
  • Take a moment to pause, create a memory to cherish.
  • Note to yourself all the things – you have done, opportunities you have provided, places you went or taken the children to.
  • Remember the good moments, its not the quantity of time more the quality.

 Motherwell Mum Blogger