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Self Care doesn’t have to be Expensive

As most of you are aware I am a big advocate for self-care for mums and feel this is an important aspect for mums to be able to cope with everything that they have to deal with on a daily basis.  

I myself feel guilty about taking time out but realise the importance of it to manage my anxiety. It has taken me years to get to the point of where I am now, and still at times need to check in with myself that I am looking myself as well as others. I swim on a Sunday morning, which I am loving as the children are still waking up and don’t know I have gone, I feel so much better for the rest of the day. At first when I started going it would have been so much easier not to, but as it now forms part of my week. I have real trouble sleeping, not getting to sleep but staying asleep as my mind is one to wander and start thinking about the “tasks” that I have to do. Complementary therapies really help me get good nights sleep and I can tell when I wake up that I have had a deep sleep and feel completly refreshed. Recently I went to try out the facilities at South Cheshire College, and I fell in love!! They were amazing! On arrival we met with our therapists and they explained to us what was going to take place, and asked about our skin type, and aches and pains etc. The therapists were very professionaland I felt like they really wanted to give the best possible treatment. I chose to have an aromatherapy full body massage, which can only be explained as amazing!! I didn’t realise how much tension I held in my legs and head. The oils chosen were to suit my mood that day, and the lasting effects of the oils really did help, I had the best nights sleep in a long time, and felt extremely relaxed for a good few days later. Even better the massage that I had only cost £11 for a full hour treatment. Another benefit of this treatment was to be able to use the spa facilities were are equally on par with our local spa providers, with a whirlpool, sauna, steam room and floatation room it straight away gets you into a mood to relax and unwind. These facilities are a hidden gem of the college and need to be seen and put to the test! I would recommend the college for all their services, I have started to have my hair done there as well and for those of you that know me know I love my hair!! 

Without preaching too much, self-care when you are a mum is an absolute must. When you maketime for yourself something magical happens! Your batteries become charged and you will be the best possible version of yourself. You will laugh at your kids more than you will snap at them. Your relationship with your other half will become enhanced, you will have more of yourself to offer. What I have also learnt is by promoting self-care in self you are promoting it to our children that we respect ourselves enough to look after ourselves. I used to battle with myself when resting in front of my children but now I have learnt that this is good practice. Being busy does not make me super mum!

Make time in your week, for time out, at first this maybe difficult, but I am sure once you start to see the benefits you will appreciate how important this time really is. Being a mum is a beautiful gift, but is a job that involves juggling a lot of needs for a lot of different people. I founded Motherwell as I see time and time again in my practice that if mum is not well, the impact on the rest of the family can have a serious affect.​ 

Treat yourself to a trip to the college and I can assure you, you will be amazed by what they have to offer. To contact the salon please call 01270 654624. Kate