Our campaigns

Our 2023 Manifesto is here.....

Our campaigns are...


Once again we are running our popular #seeitbeit campaign in memory of Councillor Dorothy Flude. We are looking for the inspirational women of Crewe. If you know a woman or girl who has inspired you in some way, we want to hear about them! We are looking for the every day heroes, the people who have gone out of their way to help, who have done something that little bit special to improve society or make a difference in your life. Who do you look up to? Who inspires you? 

To make a nomination, follow this link: https://forms.gle/TsmVL4fofcMWjbTE9

Pleas make sure you include as much detail as possible to make sure your nominee stands out to our panel! An independent panel will choose the winners from amongst the nominees and they will be invited to join us as we open Crewe Women’s Day at 10am on 5th March. 

We are grateful to Crewe Town Council for sponsoring this campaign.

Make a difference, kit out the nation.

In a recent report, the Department of Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee published data from Sport England which showed 100,000 fewer children met the recommended level of activity in 2020 than in 2019 and it was “of significant concern”.

One issue is around access to sport and exercise because of the affordability of kit, and the situation has been compounded by the pandemic.

Motherwell Cheshire is delighted to be supporting Kit out the Nation to help provide sports equipment to children and young people who need it in order to get more active.

We are one of their official partners collecting sports equipment that will then go to support our local schools.

 Do you have any of the below donations?

⚽ Footballs (new)
👟 Football boots for both boys and girls (good clean condition )
🤸‍♀️ Skipping ropes
🏈 Rugby balls
🏏 Cricket equipment
👕 Sports clothes
👟 Trainer’s ( good clean condition ) Etc etc, all for any age’s.

If you are able to support Motherwell and the local schools with a donation, please come to the Motherwell Community Share hub on either a Tuesday or a Wednesday 2 – 4. Please bring items placed in bags and matched up where applicable, please bring them to;

Motherwell Community Share Hub, 54 Beech Drive, Wistaston, Crewe CW2 8RG.

Are you a local business who can support us?

If you are a local business in the Cheshire area you can still support the community with kitting out the nation.

Can you supply or donate any of these school PE items;

Tennis rackets?

Rounders equipment?


Sports bibs?

Skipping ropes?

Gymnastic equipment?


The local schools would really appreciate any of your kind donations.

To find out more, please contact us by either calling 01606 557666 or email motherwellhub@motherwellcheshirecio.com.


This campaign is here to raise awareness and to educate on:

  • Healthy Relationships
  • Rape/ Sexual Abuse / Consent
  • Online Bullying
  • Safe dating online and on dates
  • County Lines/ Exploitation
  • Modern Slavery

This campaign is funded by Crime Commissioner to raise awareness and deliver workshops and talking on the above topics.

Our aims are:

  • Educate parents on the signs on the above topics by using workshops and provide a directory of available.
  • Provide talks and awareness sessions in schools and online to young women. 
  • Provide the community a toolkit with topics for discussion and educational exercises that can be delivered in schools.


Time to Talk

#timetotalk #encourage #inspire #empower


As a charity who specialise in Mental Health, Motherwell are proud to launch our own #timetotalk campaign on Time to Talk Day, 4th February.

We want to encourage you to share something you are proud of about your own mental health challenges, or to pledge to do something to support your own or others mental health. For example, a pledge to pick up the phone and call a friend to see how they are each week. 

We have some templates for you to download, I am proud and I pledge. We would love you to take a photo with them and send it to nadine@motherwellcheshirecio.com

We also recognise what a hard year this has been for many, and would like to encourage you to recognise things that have you have been encouraged by, things you have been inspired to do, or things that have empowered you this year. This ties into our virtual Women’sDay event in March and we have a second set of downloads for you for these, #encourage #inspire #empower if you can take a photo with them and email them to events@motherwellcheshirecio.com


We are relaunching #SeeItBeIt and searching for our next inspirational women. They could be your teacher, your friend, your colleague, someone who has helped during lockdown or a family member – or any other woman or girl who has inspired you in some way. They must either live or work in Crewe, Winsford or Ellesmere Port. A panel will go through all entries and those chosen will be revealed and celebrated at International Women’s Day 2021. 

To nominate for the Crewe campaign – please click here,  for Winsford – click here, or for Ellesmere Port, the link is here

Nominations are extended and now close on 22nd February 2021.

Our previous campaigns...


The #inspireme campaign will be an online campaign running from July – October. Finishing with the Women’s and Girls Conference in October for “International Day of the Girl”.

The Aim of the Campaign is:

  • To inspire girls/ young women by showcasing the achievements of women, past and present both internationally and locally.
  • To raise the profile of the Inspire Project.
  • To highlight the need to support the mental health of young women.
  • For young women to feel empowered by the women from history and in society today.

The campaign will run predominately on Instagram, Pinterest & Inspire Facebook Page.

This is an example of the images that will appear as part of the campaign. 

They will include a full description of the women’s achievements and challenges in life.

The campaign will also have statistics on the current situation of girls Mental Health and along side that promote the services that we can offer to support.  

Other significant dates/ events for this campaign

  • launch of Inspire Merchandise September
  • “Inspire me”  special edition newsletter
  •  Young girls online workshops to run throughout August.
  •  End with Women’s and Girls conference (separate aims and objective)
  •  Launch World record.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, 4-10th May 2020.

What is it?

A weeklong campaign dedicated to talking about mental illness while pregnant or after having a baby. We are dedicated to signposting to support for all mums. We focus on advocating for mums affected by Maternal Mental Health, to access the information and help they require to enable recovery.

Who is it organised by?

In 2014, a small group of 11 individuals including women with lived experience came together with the dream of creating an awareness campaign for maternal mental health. They formed and created the Perinatal Mental Health Partnership (PMHP) 

What is the theme ?

The theme this year will now be ‘Supporting mums during difficult times’ which will enable us to provide a supportive platform where we can reassure families and signpost them to vital resources and safe support which is what people need most at this time at this unusual time.

More information and to follow the live sessions go to the Perinatal Mental Health Partnership Facebook page.

How are Motherwell Cheshire supporting the campaign?

We are launching Mums Uniting Mums (MUM)  to coincide with the week.  We are offering vulnerable mothers and expectant women who are feeling isolated a dedicated befriender which will be accompanied by a social media campaign #mumstogether on Facebook and Twitter to give help and guidance for those of you at risk of Post Natal Depression. 

The befriender will be a trained counsellor who will ring you frequently to discuss any concerns, link you to essential support services and can also help with practical support such as delivering food and medication if needed.

We will also be hosting our own live sessions from the Motherwell Mums every day during the campaign in our Facebook group: New Life & Me by Motherwell Cheshire



Sunday 26 April was the scheduled date for the 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon, the 40th edition of the world’s greatest marathon.

It is a huge event in the charity fundraising calendar. Every year for the past 13 years, the London Marathon has set a world record for an annual one-day fundraiser, with an incredible £66.4 million raised for good causes in 2019 and more than £1 billion raised since the first race in 1981.

The 40th Race has now been postponed to Sunday 4 October, but the original date of Sunday 26 April resonates very strongly with the many thousands of runners, charities, spectators and TV viewers who’ve been counting down to Marathon Day, with the BBC planning network programming over the weekend.​


Thousands of fundraising events across the UK have been cancelled due to Covid-19 with a devastating impact on charity income that means many charities are facing closure. The National Council for Voluntary Organisations
(NCVO) CEO Karl Wilding estimates that the UK charity sector will lose £4 billion in income as a result of the pandemic.

This impacts all sectors of society – from children to the elderly – as well as the vital work in areas such as palliative care, serious
diseases, mental health, housing support, food supplies and countless others that charities support.

The Idea

In response, the organisers of the biggest mass-participation sports events across the country have come together to create a new campaign to raise vital funds to help save the UK’s charities.

The campaign, The 2.6 Challenge, will launch on Sunday 26 April – what should
have been the date of the 40th edition of the London Marathon.

From Sunday 26 April, the public is asked to dream up an activity based around
the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise or donate to Save the UK’s Charities via

The 2.6 Challenge is open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on
exercise and social distancing.

The 2.6 Challenge is a simple and fun way for everyone to do their bit to help save
the UK’s charities.

 Get Involved!

In response, the organisers of the biggest mass-participation sports events across the country have come together to create a new campaign to raise vital funds to help save the UK’s charities.

The campaign, The 2.6 Challenge, will launch on Sunday 26 April – what should have been the date of the 40th edition of the London Marathon.

From Sunday 26 April, the public is asked to dream up an activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise or donate to Save the UK’s Charities via twopointsixchallenge.co.uk

The 2.6 Challenge is open to anyone of any age – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on
exercise and social distancing.

The 2.6 Challenge is a simple and fun way for everyone to do their bit to help save the UK’s charities.


Our latest campaign #seeitbeit, was formed as part of our Crewe Women’s Days to celebrate the local women who have made a real impact on our lives.  They are extremely inspirational to have someone positive and supportive to look up and ask for guidance is invaluable.   

We ran the campaign so that it so that it becomes commonplace that girls, wherever they live and whatever their social background, get the chance to shine.  

In Memory of Councillor Dorothy Flude

With the permission of the family, we were honoured to promote our #seeitbeit campaign in memory of Councillor Dorothy Flude.

Dorothy was a true inspiration and role model to everyone who knew her and attended all of our Women’s Days.  


Congratulations to our Role Models! 

Emma Buckley

Emma is young woman who is inspiring others to take an active interest in bee keeping and also the environment through her business Buckley’s Bees. Not only is she introducing others to the world of bees, but she is a role model to other young people who are looking to set up their own businesses. She’s one of the most inspirational people I know, she’s passionate and driven but as I’m in the privileged position (and biased position!) of having her as a cousin, I know just how kind, caring and selfless she is. She’s a role model to so many and doesn’t even realise

Susan PIckup

Susan is a supportive Mum, daughter, sister, Nana and wife to Graham who is living with Parkinson’s . Since Graham’s diagnosis she has been a driving force in the local Crewe & District Parkinson’s group. She is always engaging with the community encouraging them to interact and engage with the group to support other families. Susan has also been instrumental in raising thousands of pounds via regular events which then funds activities for the members of the group. She has worked for the NHS for many years and is currently the Patient Experience Manager at Leighton Hospital. In this role she works together with staff, patients and clinicians to ensure the customer care pathways are the best they can be. Susan wouldn’t willingly take credit for what she does but she regularly puts other people first. Everyone needs someone like Susan in their life - she's A M A Z I N G .

Helen Johnson

Several years ago Helen discovered she had bowel cancer during a routine operation for appendicitis. Since then she has had treatment at Christie's and is now years cancer free. She is a wonderful amazing woman who is always thinking of others. She takes part in the Bubble Rush for St. Luke's The Walk of Hope for The Christie and has completed several.Midnight Walks for St Luke's Hospice. Every year she holds a coffee morning and raises lots of money for various charities. She is a fabulous friend and a great inspiration to all her family from whom she gets so much support and who also get involved in all her fundraising activities

Tracey Allen

My wife /Mum is the most selfless person we know. She fights for the rights of our disabled children on a daily basis. Even though she suffered a heart attack on 23rd December she still managed to sort Christmas (albeit from her hospital bed). Tracey is massive advocate for children's rights and has helped many a parent to get the support they desperately need whether it bring financially or additional support at home or on school. She has helped parents go down the tribunal steps or us there as a shoulder to cry on.

Karen Lynch

Karen is an absolute inspiration. She supports her family, friends and community. She is active in the SEND community, she is a brownie guide leader and she sets a fabulous generous, kind, community minded example in the facebook group she runs (Nantwich Community). She will always help out, has a brilliant, positive approach to help others find solutions to their problems, and she does most of this with a smile on her face. She's a great friend and a brilliant role model

Liz Bedson

Liz’s father Colin had a stroke a few years ago and as there were no local support groups, Liz set one up. Now they have over 20 members who take part in all sorts of fun and interesting activities. Amongst many other qualities, Liz’s warmth and enthusiasm and dedication should be celebrated. She is an inspiration and wonderful role model within the community. Also nominated by Sophie Hughes who said “My mother Liz Hughes has always been my role model as she always fought for me for my education and health. She has been inspirational and runs a local stroke survivors group for people who have had a stroke. She does this voluntarily whilst working as a part time carer and a carer to my brother and grandad. She always is positive and helps everyone.

Tracy Challoner

She’s an amazing woman and mother (my mum) all of her friends and family would agree she does nothing but put everyone else before herself, she cares for her 3 disabled sons fulltime with no help off family, and doesn’t get the thanks and recognition she deserves for what she does and sacrifices for others. She never gets or asks for anything for herself or off others in return of her kindness. She is my inspiration for being an amazing mother, role model and strong woman, whilst I’m bringing my sons up I’d love to be seen as a mother just like her.

Sarah Darlington

Sarah set up the Nantwich Christie Hospital Support Group back in 1993 and continues to be the Group’s Chair, over the last 27 years Sarah has been the driving force behind the Group raising over £420,000 for a variety of cancer research projects at The Christie. As well as all the charity work Sarah is the Managing Director of Mrs Darlington’s, the Crewe based producer of internationally respected jams, curds, chutneys & preserves.

Pamela Graley

If I can be half the woman my mum is, I would be happy...She currently volunteers at Hopes and Beams in Broad Street, volunteered at the British Heart Foundation shop in the town centre. She has worked hard through her life and has always been an independent woman...She supported me through my transition and beyond & has always been there for my sister and myself, and many others in the community, She recently helped out when the fire at the old people's home happened.

Gill Baxter

Gill works in the local library and runs the womens reading group with Motherwell. Gill is always welcoming and open about her own battles with mental health that supports others to also open up and feel supported.

Hilary Hamilton

Hilary founded the Wishing Well charity she has dedicated her life to making crewe residents to lead a more healthy and fulfilling life. Hilary is well respected and has lived in Crewe all her life and all that knows her always feels supported by her.

Shirley Irlam

This year is her 50th year in education working at Wistaston green academy, she is 83 and still goes to work every day does bingo for all every week for years at Mountbatten court and Wistaston green . She has met the Queen twice. She’s a legend so many generations she has looked after she’s my role model and my queen and she deserves it

The #seeitbeit highlights!