The loss of an infant is devastating for anyone affected.

There can be many reasons why infant loss occurs, during or after birth, from a sudden miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, termination or the neo-natal death of a young baby in the days, weeks or months after birth.

Whatever the cause, the loss of a child is a deeply personal and painful experience for anyone to endure, Cherry blossom support service is here for you.

Member of the national baby loss alliance, BLAW

What we can offer

Peer support groups

We offer a monthly peer support group for those who have experienced infant loss. it is a confidential space. You may wish to share your story, or listen to others.

1-2-1 Counselling

Our 1-2-1 sessions take place with our trained counsellors, accredited in infant loss. Our counsellors are here to listen and offer support after everything you have been through.

Client Quotes

Getting support

If you would like further information on any of our Cherry Blossom services please contact the team via:

or phone: 01606 557666

Alternatively you can speak to your midwife, GP or health visitor and they can make a referral on your behalf