Here is where you can get help with any mental health concerns.
Learn how to talk about mental health or how to get help for yourself or someone you care about. Contact Motherwell Cheshire CIO for further assistance.
We are compassionate to the needs of the people who access our services, their experiences and their aspirations.
We are accountable, transparent and hold ourselves to the highest standards in every interaction.
We are collaborative, we believe that by working together, we achieve the best outcomes for individuals, communities and society.
We are proud of what we stand for, those who access our services, our people and changing lives.
What is Mental Health?
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking, mood, and behaviour could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including:
- Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry
- Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse
- Family history of mental health problems
Mental health problems are common but help is available. People with mental health problems can get better and many recover completely.
Early Warning Signs
Not sure if you or someone you know is living with mental health problems? Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviours can be an early warning sign of a problem:
- Eating or sleeping too much or too little
- Pulling away from people and usual activities
- Having low or no energy
- Feeling numb or like nothing matters
- Having unexplained aches and pains
- Feeling helpless or hopeless
- Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual
- Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared
- Yelling or fighting with family and friends
- Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
- Having persistent thoughts and memories you can’t get out of your head
- Hearing voices or believing things that are not true
- Thinking of harming yourself or others
- Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school
Mental Health and Wellness
Positive mental health allows people to:
- Realise their full potential
- Cope with the stresses of life
- Work productively
- Make meaningful contributions to their communities
Ways to maintain positive mental health include:
- Getting professional help if you need it
- Connecting with others
- Staying positive
- Getting physically active
- Helping others
- Getting enough sleep
- Developing coping skills
Please click on our Mental Health Resources tab and our Mental Health Directory tab for further information.
Gateway to Resources
Here you will find a wide range of resources which have been compiled to help and support you.

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Motherwell Cheshire CIO, PLEDGE, 54-64 Beech Drive, Wistaston, Crewe, CW2 8RG
We will share your pledge as part of our Mental Health Matters Campaign, Thank you!
A Self-help Guide
Self-harm is an act of intentionally hurting yourself as a way of dealing with difficult feelings, painful memories or overwhelming situations/experiences- it can be described as a short-term sense of release to change emotional pain to physical. Although it is most common in cutting, burning or stabbing oneself, it can also be self-poisoning which includes the misuse of alcohol, medicine, poisonous substances or drugs.
As part of the NICE (national institution of Health and Care excellence) guidelines, it states that professionals in self-harm such as GP’s or nurses are there to help and guide individuals in expressing their feelings and give advice and guidance if possible, therefore it is advised that individuals wanting/are self-harming should get in contact with a healthcare professional. All must be kept confidential unless the individual is in a great risk of harming themselves or someone else (this applies to help lines and guidance counsellors also).
To avoid self-harm, try to:
– Talk to a friend, family member, professional or someone you trust about your feelings.
– Wait before making the decision to self-harm- distract yourself by going for a walk, doing something that interests you, watch your favourite movie, listen to your favourite music.
– Release emotions in a different way that won’t hurt you or others around you- playing sports games (kicking ball into net)
– Have an elastic band around your wrist and flick if you feel like hurting yourself.
– Writing, drawing or painting. (do activities to distract your hands)
Mind – call 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 (9am to 6pm on weekdays)
Harmless – email info@harmless.org.uk
YoungMinds Parents Helpline– 0808 802 5544 (9.20am to 4pm on weekdays)
Childline– call 0800 1111
Support Line– call 01708 765200 or email info@supportline.org.uk
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder more commonly known as OCD is a condition in which an individual has obsessive thoughts and compulsive repetitive behaviours- thoughts and behaviour from the individual is uncontrollable.
Some types of OCD include checking (doors, windows before leaving), contamination (cleaning), ordering (having items in alphabetical order) and hoarding which can lead to intense, intrusive thoughts if not completed or repeated.
As part of the NICE (National Institution of Health and Care Excellence) guidelines, they recommend that individuals with OCD must visit a healthcare professional frequently to assess their risk of self-harm and suicide which will ensure their safety and protect their wellbeing.
Self-help resources:
– Educate yourself on understanding OCD to make yourself feel more comfortable with the condition.
– Try relaxation techniques to release stress and anxiety- meditation, yoga, colouring, painting, exercising.
– Eat healthy, look after your body and diet and making sure to get enough sleep to feel refreshed and suppress intrusive thoughts.
– Regularly doing physical activity such as swimming, running, walking can help release stress to reduce intrusive thoughts.
– Talking to friends, family or people you trust about feelings and emotions.
Mind– call 0845 766 0163
OCD UK– call 03332 127 890 or visit ocduk.org website.
GP– seeing a local GP to refer you to local psychological therapies
OCD Action– visit this website https://ocdaction.org.uk
TOP UK– visit this website https://www.topuk.org
Anxiety is the feeling of unease, stress, worry or fear which can range between a mild or severe feeling. Some physical symptoms can include irregular heartbeat, dizziness, headaches, change in behaviour and loss of appetite whereas some mental symptoms include being unable to relax, feelings of nervousness, insomnia and feeling tearful however everyone can experience different symptoms. Individuals who suffer from panic attacks due to anxiety will feel shortness of breath, dizziness, fast heartbeat and many other symptoms- some panic attacks can range between 5 to 20 minutes however some can go on for a lot longer.
Self-help resources:
– Exercising such as walking, running, swimming, yoga can help you relax and distract yourself from issues worrying you.
– Breathing exercises to calm you down- apps such as ‘Headspace’ and ‘Calm’ on your mobile phone can help focus breathing and meditation in stressful situations.
– Talking to friends, family or someone you trust about worries and issues so they can help you solve issues and reduce any stress.
– Sleep well and have a healthy, balanced diet to keep energy stable and reduce stress.
– Relaxing by counting to 10 or 20 and breathing to distract from anxious situations and calm the body and mind.
– Interrupt anxious thoughts by doing something you enjoy like listening to your favourite song, watching your favourite program/movie.
Anxiety UK – call 03444 775 774 or text 07537 416 905
CALM – call 0800 58 58 58 or visit the website www.thecalmzone.net
Mind – call 0300 123 3393 or visit the website www.mind.org.uk
Samaritans – call 116 123 or visit the website www.samaritans.org.uk
No Panic– call 0300 7729844
Stress is a natural body reaction to any kind of demand, pressure or threat whether it is imagined or real which raises blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels leaving you to feel frustrated, anxious, angry or depressed. Some signs of stress include being irritable, trouble with sleeping, unmotivated/unfocused and problems with memory. Although ‘stress-busters’ might not completely get rid of a stressful situation, it can still help reduce emotional intensity you may be feeling. Anything can cause stress, so it is important to be aware of how to handle it and stay motivated.
Self-help resources:
– Talking about what you’re stressed about to a friend or family member, they might be able to find a resolution or help you deal with the situation.
– Exercising such as walking, running, swimming etc can lower stress hormones and improve mood.
– Writing down any stress can relieve the thoughts in your mind and can help you focus on one thought at a time. Think about positive outcomes rather than negative thoughts.
– Spend time doing the things you enjoy like watching a film, listening to good songs, spending time with animals- this can stop stressful thoughts become excessive and can take your mind off it.
– Breathing exercises to focus on the breath can reduce a faster heartbeat, slowing breath helping prevent panic attacks. Focus on the breath filling your lungs, in through the nose, out through the mouth to focus awareness on the breath rather than the situation you are stressed about.
– Plan ahead for situations where you feel more stressful- write all thoughts and notes down so all your thoughts are in one place.
Confidential Emotional Support line – call 01708 765200
Breathing Space – 0800 83 85 87
Local GP – Can give information if you’re interested in attending a stress support group.
CALM – call 0800 58 58 58
Men’s Health Forum– 24/7 stress support for men by text, chat or email, visit the website https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/beatstress.uk
Childline– call 0800 1111
Depression is a mood disorder from persistent feeling of sadness or a loss of interest that affects how you feel and behave- this can be for a long period of time. Anyone can get depression, so it is important to know how to deal and overcome it. According to NICE guidelines, identifying what the cause of depression is makes it easier to access the most effective method to overcome it therefore it is most important to talk to a professional about prolonged depression as it can resolve the situation quickly and effectively.
Self-help resources:
– Keep a routine as best as possible to avoid poor sleeping patterns or irregular meals- praise yourself for every achievement made and write down achievements.
– Reach out to someone, don’t be afraid to battle depression alone.
– Find social activities you feel more comfortable with and might increase your happiness.
– Take care of physical health, go for a walk, run, meditate, yoga.
– Do things you enjoy e.g., watch a film, play a game, read a book.
– Challenge negative thoughts- if your mind tells you that you can’t do something then ask why and prove it wrong.
– Keep a diary of how you are feeling or rant about negative thoughts to get rid of the thought from your mind.
– Spend time with people who make you happy to improve the mood for the day and to look forward to future events of meeting them.
CALM – call 0800 58 58 58
MIND – call 0300 123 3393
Rethink Mental Illness – call 0300 5000 927
Samaritans – call 166 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
- SANEline– call 0300 304 7000
Bipolar disorder is a condition that affects your moods drastically which can change from one extreme to another. With bipolar, there are episodes called depressive where they can feel very low, lethargic, irritable, loss of interest or emptiness whereas an episode called mania can feel full of energy, happy, full of ideas, easily distracted and talking fast. In NICE guidelines to help to deal with Bipolar, individuals can receive treatment and assistance from professionals so they must reach out to healthcare specialists when they are struggling.
Self-help resources:
– Develop a schedule to maintain a routine and keep your mood stable and calm.
– Join a support group for advice and comfort – visit this website https://au.reachout.com/forums for anonymous conversations for young people.
– Take time for yourself to relax, gather thoughts and let go of stress- use meditation, yoga, having a bath, reading, do your favourite things!
– Manage moods and understand what might trigger anger and what make you feel happier- writing a journal to keep track of this.
– Take care of physical health to improve daily moods, go for walks, runs, play tennis etc.
Bipolar UK – call 0333 323 3880 or visit this website https://www.bipolaruk.org
CALM – call 0800 58 58 58
Samaritans – call 166 123
MIND – call 0300 123 3393
Saneline – call 0300 304 7000
Schizophrenia is a severe mental health condition that causes hallucinations (hearing voices), delusions, disorganized thinking and loss of interest in everyday activities. You might also experience lack of motivation, lack of concentration and not wanting to initiate conversations. Within NICE guidelines, it states that severe schizophrenia should be helped with medication prescribed by a specialist as well as given constant peer support and assistance by trained professionals in order to improve the experience and quality of life.
Self-help resources:
– Accept and educate diagnosis to find effective self-help and assistance that works for you- make healthy lifestyle changes to adapt the condition into your life as a positive!
– Set life goals and work towards them, fulfil dreams and goals by writing down what you want to achieve at the end of each day, week or year and work towards it each day as an achievement.
– Don’t overwhelm yourself with stress, take time to relax by doing your favourite things, take a bath, read a book, go for a walk, meet friends.
– When feeling anxious or stressed, meditate, breathe and focus on emotional awareness to be in touch with emotions and allow yourself to take the time to calm yourself.
NHS – call 111 if you need help but you are not in immediate danger.
SHOUT – text SHOUT to 85258 to talk to someone
Samaritans – call 116 123 (24 hours a day)
Rethink Mental Illness – call 0300 5000 927 or email advice@rethink.org
MIND – call 0300 123 3393, text 86463 or email info@mind.org.uk
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a disorder of the mood and affects how a person interacts with others by how they think, perceives, feels or relates to others. Some symptoms of BPD include fear of abandonment/instability, difficulty being alone, mood swings, inappropriate anger and being impulsive which pushes others away making relationships intense but unstable. Within NICE guidelines, they advise seeking professional attention where they are able to advise medication and offer ways to help when in a crisis to ease stress and help individuals, so it is important to reach out to local GP to gain support and guidance.
Self-help resources:
– Feeling angry – do vigorous exercise, listen to loud music, try a practical activity such as gardening, rip up newspapers or magazines.
– Feeling depression/sadness- watch favourite tv shows/movies, listen to favourite songs, take time to relax, have a bath, spend time with friends.
– Feeling anxious- try breathing exercises using apps such as ‘Headspace’ and ‘Calm’, have a warm bath and calm yourself down with movie or book.
– Do physical activity such as going for a walk/run/jog, play outdoor games with friends/family.
– Reach out when in crisis to family, friends or a professional to gain advise and support- don’t take it on alone.
Borderline Acts – visit the website https://www.borderlinearts.org to learn about the disorder and view artwork made to raise awareness for BPD.
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – free text to 85258 with ‘YM’ to be answered by trained volunteers/supporters.
Samaritans – call 116 123
Childline – call 0800 1111 if under 19 years old.
SANELINE – call 0845 767 8000
An eating disorder is a mental disorder affecting whether you eat too little or too much which can negatively impact physical and mental health. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which someone eats a lot of food and forces themselves to be sick to stop themselves from gaining any weight.
Anorexia is another eating disorder where someone doesn’t eat enough food or exercises too much making them very ill as they start to starve themselves. People with anorexia often see distorted images of their bodies believing they are overweight even though they are underweight.
Self-help resources:
– Make meal plans that are realistic to suit you, don’t push yourself if you aren’t ready and every step made is improvement- meal plans can prevent binge eating and can help regulate your eating
– For Anorexia, don’t rush food and eat with someone you trust to ensure you eat it all and it might take focus off the food, so you eat it naturally without thinking too much about it.
– Use positive self-talk to reduce negative thoughts and question negative thoughts as to why you think/feel like that.
– Reach out and talk to someone on how you’re feeling, use advice and guidance given by professionals to reduce anxiety, depression and keeping yourself healthy.
Beat Eating Disorders – call 0808 801 0677 (adult helpline), 0808 801 0711 (youth helpline), 0808 801 0811 (student helpline) or email help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Anorexia and Bulimia Care – call 03000 11 12 13 or visit this website https://www.anorexiabulimiacare.org.uk/help-for-you/helplines for more information.
Samaritans – call 116 123 if you need immediate help
MIND – text 86463 or email info@mind.org.uk
Post-Natal Depression is a common type of depression that many parents experience after having a baby- it can affect more than 1 in 10 women within a year after giving birth however it can also affect fathers and partners. Symptoms of postnatal depression include, persistent feeling of sadness/low mood, withdrawal from contacting other people, difficulty bonding with baby, frightening thought of hurting the baby, tiredness and loss of interest- some of these can also lead to panic attacks, anxiety, loss of appetite and generally feeling unwell.
Self-help resources:
– Reach out and talk to someone about the feelings and thoughts you’re having- if you don’t feel in touch with your partner then let them know and be open with them to avoid any feelings of stress or conflict.
– Take time for yourself sometimes to relax by having a bath, watching your favourite tv shows/movies.
– Learn relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques to feel relaxed and be mindful of yourself and your needs.
– Don’t spend too much time on your own, ease pressure by asking others for help and support during a difficult time.
– Make daily plans to enjoy the day and lift your mood, this could be by doing some physical activity or mixing with friends/family.
GP – contact your local GP to have appropriate treatment, support and guidance you may need.
PND Awareness – call 0808 1961 776 for support.
Association for Post Natal Illness – call 020 7386 0868 or visit the website https://apni.org
Gingerbread– call 0808 802 0925 for support for single parent families.
NCT – call 0300 330 0700 or visit the website https://www.nct.org.uk for information, support and classes for parents.
Postpartum Men – new fathers experiencing depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, visit the website https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/postnatal-depression-and-perinatal-mental-health/useful-contacts/
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder more commonly known as PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by a very stressful, frightening or distressing event in which people will experience nightmares, flashbacks and even hallucinations of the event. Other symptoms of PTSD include insomnia, guilt, isolation and irritability. Within the NICE guidelines, it states that anyone who has experienced a traumatic event must seek medical help immediately to explain PTSD before it starts to develop.
Self-help resources:
– Focus on your breathing when you are frightened to stop persistent thoughts and just concentrate on breathing to ten- use apps such as ‘Calm’ and ‘Headspace’ to help.
– Carry an object with you that reminds you of the present, safety and happiness to bring the mind back to present day- this could be a keyring or a little picture
– Keep a diary of when you start to panic and see if there’s anything particularly that triggers experiences, it might be big crowds or being alone that needs to be overcome.
– Start exercising to take away thoughts of the experience.
– Make day plans and activities to do in the day to stick to which might make it easier to get through the day.
– Get yourself time to reflect and relax, make yourself comfortable with thoughts to try and make them less frightening and find personal ways to relieve stress.
MIND – call 0300 123 3393
UK Psychological Trauma Society – visit the website https://ukpts.org for more information and guidance.
Childline – call 0800 1111
Lifecentre – support for survivors of sexual abuse call 0808 802 0808 or text 07717 989 022
Victim Support – support for those affected by crime or traumatic events call 0808 168 9111
Suicide is the act of intentionally taking your own life, feelings of this can include intensive thoughts or constant thoughts of ending your life or feeling like you are a burden. When feeling suicidal, you might feel hopeless, overwhelmed, useless, feel unbearable pain and feel like your family and friends would be better off without you. If you are feeling suicidal you must reach out to someone you trust or a healthcare professional to get the support and guidance that you need.
Self-help resources:
– Take time to enjoy yourself with your favourite book, film, tv show and enjoy the time whilst watching it.
– Relax yourself by having a bath, meditate, do yoga.
– Write thoughts done and think of one positive a day until you can reduce negative thoughts and bring more positive thoughts in- notice progress and achievements.
– Distract yourself with activities like exercise, gardening, making something, listening to music, playing games.
– Challenge thoughts and notice if they are facts or if they are opinions.
– Be kind to yourself and treat yourself as if you were your good friend- do something nice for yourself.
Samaritans – call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org
CALM – call 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight everyday)
Papyrus – call 0800 068 41 41 (9am to midnight everyday), text 07860 039967 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org
Childline (children and under 19) – call 0800 1111
SOS Suicide of Silence – call 0300 1020 505 (9am to midnight everyday) or email support@sossilenceofsuicide.org
Shout Crisis Text Line – text “SHOUT” to 85258
If you have harmed yourself and believe you are in danger call 999 immediately.
Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality which might involve seeing/hearing things, hallucinations or believing things that aren’t true. As well as this, people with psychosis might also have a depressed mood, anxiety, withdrawal from others, difficulty concentrating and suspiciousness. In the NICE guidelines, it says that severe psychosis should be helped with medication prescribed by a specialist as well as given constant peer support and assistance by trained professionals in order to improve the experience and quality of life.
Self-help resources:
– Identify your triggers and try to avoid/manage them such as large crowds, find a way to avoid large crowds or stick with someone you trust.
– Manage stress by meditating, doing yoga, use coping skills such as breathing to ten to forget and see what works for you.
– Take time to relax and gather thoughts to reduce stress and anxiety- this could be by taking a bath, doing a jigsaw, gardening.
– Look after your physical health by regulating diet or doing physical activity.
– Spend time outside like going for a walk or meeting a friend to separate yourself from thoughts as much as possible.
– Don’t be scared of hallucinations or voices and try to make sense of them to reduce them- reflect on experiences.
Rethink Mental Illness – call 0300 5000 927 or email advice@rethink.org
CALM – call 0800 58 58 58 or join the webchat at www.thecalmzone.net/help/webchat/
Sane – call 07984 967 708 (leave a message with your name and contact number) or join a textcare at http://www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/textcare
Hearing Voice Network – visit the website the find information and support https://www.hearing-voices.org
Samaritans – call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org