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Motherwell Cheshire CIO is Proud to Support Pride

Motherwell Cheshire CIO, a leading health and wellbeing charity, is delighted to announce its support for Pride and its ongoing commitment to providing inclusive services for cis and trans women, girls and non-binary individuals. The organisation aims to foster positive mental health and wellbeing by offering counselling and inclusive wellbeing events that cater to the diverse needs of all women and girls.

Motherwell Cheshire recognizes the importance of creating a safe and inclusive space where individuals of all identities can access the support they need. As part of its efforts, the organisation offers counselling services which embraces the unique experiences and challenges faced by cis and trans women, girls, and non-binary individuals. These services are designed to provide a supportive environment and promote mental health and emotional wellbeing.

In addition to counselling, Motherwell Cheshire operates a bustling calendar of wellbeing events that are truly inclusive and cater to the diverse interests of women and girls. These events prioritise creating a sense of belonging and understanding, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and valued. By offering a variety of activities that encompass different aspects of wellbeing, Motherwell Cheshire aims to empower individuals to explore and nurture their mental health.

Kate Blakemore, CEO of Motherwell Cheshire, expressed the organisation’s commitment, stating, “We believe that mental health is an essential aspect of overall wellbeing. By offering inclusive counselling services and wellbeing events, we strive to create a supportive community where all women, girls, and non-binary individuals feel heard, understood, and respected. Our goal is to break down barriers and provide accessible and inclusive services that address the diverse needs of our community.”

To celebrate Pride Month, Motherwell Cheshire CIO will be in attendance at Crewe, Nantwich, Chester and Reaseheath Pride, raising the profile of their inclusive services. Carys Jones, counsellor at Motherwell Cheshire CIO and Pride lead says “Community Pride events are a key feature in our Summer events calendar and it’s always a joy to be out in the community, to celebrate with new and existing service users. We know how important it is for us to be loud and proud about being there for and being a part of the LGBTQ+ community”.

To learn more about the inclusive services and resources offered by Motherwell Cheshire, please visit motherwellcheshirecio.com. Together, let us create a supportive and inclusive community where everyone can thrive.