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Motherwell “Know Your Numbers Week!”

Motherwell Cheshire CIO, are pleased to announce Blood Pressure support and advice for “KNOW YOUR NUMBERS WEEK!”, 4th-10th September.

9.30-11.30 at Winsford Lifestyle Centre with Brio Leisure


9.30-11.30 at Crewe Lifestyle Centre with Everybody Gym

During Know Your Numbers week trained staff will be aiming to take blood pressure readings, ideally targeting those on their way into the centre as blood pressure readings will be naturally elevated after exercise. We will then discuss the readings and offer advice such as causes of high/low blood pressure, the reasons why the reading may be high/low on the day e.g recently eating / had caffeine and will then signpost if necessary.

Staff also offer free Stop Smoking services (smoking has a direct relation to high blood pressure) and weight management services so will be able to sign post the relevant people to these services. Another service we offer is free NHS health checks which has a specific eligibility criteria but is also a service we will be sign posting to on the day.

Debbie Sharred (Wellbeing Coordinator), commented on the day: “This is a fantastic opportunity for local women to check/monitor their blood pressure and, hopefully, overt any health issues in a timely manner. Without wanting to sound too melodramatic, it’s been proven to save people’s lives! There are very few early warnings, so regular checks are invaluable.

They will also be able to find out more about our newly launched services and also what other local agencies have to offer.

Motherwell prides itself on listening to the community in which we are based, so this will be an ideal opportunity to come and have your say and help us structure our services”

We look forward to meeting you all on Tues 27th June for a day of relaxation and interesting conversations!!