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Woman to Woman Walk to raise funds to support Young Women in Cheshire

On Friday 8th and Saturday 9th July, Kate Blakemore, CEO of Motherwell Cheshire will be embarking on a 32-mile walk from Halifax to Manchester.

The walk will commence at the Anne Lister statue in Halifax through to Littleborough on day one and then on day two finishing at the Emmeline Pankhurst statue in Manchester.

Kate is completing the walk as part of the #mymountain campaign that Motherwell Cheshire have been running this year to encourage the local community to get active from walking 10 minutes every day, swimming once a week to a team that have climbed Snowdon at midnight. 

When asked why she has chosen this event for her challenge Kate said: “Starting and finishing at statues of inspirational women will help us to raise awareness of our “Statue for Ada Campaign” where, as a group we are working towards getting a statue designed and erected in Crewe of the activist Ada Nield Chew.

Kate is also raising money for Motherwell Cheshire’s Inspire Project, that supports the mental health and wellbeing of young women aged 13 years plus. 

Kate added: “Since Covid we have seen a rise in referrals for this project; many young women are really suffering with their mental health, many feeling suicidal with no one to turn to.  We are hoping to develop the Inspire Project this year so that we can support even more young women in our community.”

Kate will be joined by members of her local network for different sections along the walk for encouragement.  If you would like to take part, you can contact Kate at kate@motherwellcheshirecio.com or you can make a donation at https://bit.ly/MotherwellMyMountain