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FlourisHER is a Women & Girls Health & Mental Wellbeing Programme

It offers support with mental health issues caused by health or situational issues – always in a “judgement free space.”

FlourisHER’s goals are to support women and girls to:

  1. Feel empowered in their health and wellbeing both in their personal and professional lives and feel more able to cope with their experiences around women’s health and mental wellbeing throughout the different life stages: Relationship – Motherhood – Empty nest – Menopause – Bereavement
  2. Improve their knowledge and skills around women’s health and mental wellbeing, via education, empowerment and empathy.

FlourisHER focuses on four key areas of women’s health & wellbeing:

Women’s Health Issues

Women’s health issues can have a significant impact not only on our physical health, but also our emotional and mental wellbeing, resulting in potential feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability and anger. As such, FlourisHer offers support to women & girls impacted by:

  • Endometriosis
  • Menopause
  • PMS & PMDD
  • Reproductive health issues

Violence Against Women & Girls

Gender based violence can have potentially devastating impacts for individuals affected by it. FlourisHer offers support to women and girls impacted by:

  • Sexual violence, assault & abuse
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking
  • Image-based abuse

Pregnancy & The Maternity Journey

Issues around fertility, pregnancy and maternity can significantly impact our mental and emotional wellbeing. FlourisHER offers support to women & girls impacted by:

  • Traumatic birth
  • Infant loss
  • Fertility issues
  • Maternal health & wellbeing

Cost of Living

People living in poverty or experiencing financial stress are more likely to develop mental health and wellbeing difficulties. Financial difficulties can cause people to feel stressed, anxious and hopeless. As such, FlourisHER offers support to women and girls impacted by:

  • Poverty
  • Financial stress
  • Living in an area of social deprivation

FlourisHER offers support through:

flourisHER Motherwell Cheshire


At FlourisHER, counselling is available to individuals in  Crewe, Nantwich, Winsford & Northwich who are;

– mums of children aged 2 and under
– or; mums who have experienced infant loss
– or; women who have experienced domestic abuse
-or; mums with children on a child protection plan 

These sessions last for 50 minutes and are offered weekly, for 6-10 weeks. Sessions are free of charge, although as a charity, we welcome donations.

flourisHER Motherwell Cheshire

Peer Support

FlourisHER recognises the value of accessing support from like-minded peers who have a shared lived experience. For this reason, FlourisHER is proud to offer the following peer support groups:

  • Infant loss online group
  • Menopause Cafes
  • Weekly Women’s Health Drop-in

Cherry Blossom is our infant loss and birth trauma support service. Cherry Blossom supports you to move forward after experiencing infant loss or birth trauma. We offer peer support groups and counselling.
flourisHER Motherwell Cheshire

Well Women Pop-ups

Discover a space for care and empowerment at our Well Women pop-ups. These vibrant events offer a safe space for women to embrace holistic health and wellness. From free bra fittings to essential toiletries and period dignity items, we provide practical support with compassion. Engage in uplifting conversations about mental and physical wellbeing, including discussions on cancer awareness, menopause, and more. Join us in fostering a community where women thrive together, empowered and supported on their journey to wellness.

Upcoming dates can be found on our wellbeing calendar.

"The infant loss peer support group has become like family. Before that I had no-one to talk to"

"My counsellor was so great, having this opportunity has been so helpful to me"

Counselling Client

"I have found this session really engaging and interesting, I wasn't sure what to expect but I will definitely take my positive experience to encourage other staff to join these sessions, it has been an absolute joy"

FlourisHER training attendee
What are the benefits of flourisHER?
What does flourisHER cover?

Our Impact

FlourisHer impact Jan - Mar 2024