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International Women’s Day

The Women’s Day events in Crewe and Winsford are considered, by our team, to be flagship events for Motherwell Cheshire and for the women we support.

The events have evolved since their inception in 2015. The additional event in Winsford is now a standing event, and the Crewe venue has moved from the library, to the Lifestyle Centre in 2017 to Cheshire College South and West in 2018, and has remained in the College ever since, never mind the varied content and growing marketplace.

Women's Day Outcomes 2024

Motherwell Cheshire CIO Women's Day Outcomes 2024

Aims of Motherwell Cheshire’s Women’s Day

  • To increase awareness among women particularly, of female centred services in their local area, including Motherwell.
  • To work in partnership with these services and agencies to empower women in the local area to take care of their mental and physical health.
  • To provide an informative, entertaining, inclusive, & relaxing event where women are celebrated and congratulated for their contribution to our community, our economy & to each other.
  • To provide an opportunity for local female led businesses to showcase their products.
  • To generate income for Motherwell Cheshire registered charity.

Get involved!

Would you be interested in being part of our Women’s Days organising committee?  

Can you spare a few hours to help us organise the days?

Do you have new ideas that you can bring to the team?

We would love to hear from you.  

Sponsorship Opportunities

Why Sponsor?

  • Motherwell Cheshire are a local charity that sits at the heart of the town. 
  • Women’s Day events are organised by committees of reps from each town
  • Our charity receives no government funding – which allows us to address local  issues 
  • The Women’s Days not only support Motherwell Cheshire but also local schools, women in business, local performers as well as other local charities that support  women and girls.