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Real Motherhood. No Shame

This year’s theme is #RealMotherhood #NoShame and across the world people will be encouraged to talk more openly about how Motherhood can impact women’s mental health.

Mental health generally is becoming less of a taboo subject thankfully and now it is time to shine the spotlight on how pregnancy and motherhood can affect women’s mental wellbeing.

This is what our work at Motherwell Cheshire is all about – we are a team of Mums wanting to support other women at every stage of their Motherhood journey. We have been there ourselves, sadly suffering loss, difficult childbirths, postnatal depression…you name it, one of us has been there.

We know how overwhelming it can all be and we want people to be less embarrassed about discussing it. Look at how mental health has been approached in the media – it is only through more people talking about it and public figures like the Royal family being open about their own experiences that we are slowly shifting the dial and helping see that it is ok to not always be ok.

As a Counsellor I am privileged to hear people’s stories and help them through sometimes very difficult times in their lives. It is fair to say that when we think we are the only person in the world facing the issues we are facing, there is always someone going through something similar. I am passionate that talking can really help people to work through their challenges and have a hashtag ‘let’s talk more’ that I am using to spread this message.

Through our programme of events, workshops and wellbeing days we encourage Mums to meet up to share their experiences and make new friends. We are sensitive to the fact that some women might come to us after suffering a loss and therefore we will always tailor our approach to ensure we meet the needs of the individual, with counselling and peer support when women need it the most.

I am lucky to have my own radio show on This is the Cat 107.9 fm Fridays at 11 am where I talk about the untalkable and I have been humbled by the bravery my guests have shown coming on and sharing their own personal stories of mental health.  You can download previous episodes at the podcast which is available on Mixcloud Motherwell Show.  I am always looking for guests to come along and share their stories, so do get in touch if you are interested.

This week we will be holding a whole host of drop-in sessions where Mums of all ages can find out more about Motherwell’s services as well as picking up one of our fabulous goody bags filled with lots of treats. I hope to see you at one of them.


Motherwell Cheshire Head Office