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Almost New Years Resolutions

Almost New Year’s Resolutions…

Slightly late to the party but Happy New Year (how long can you keep saying that for…am I still within the time limit?)

Have been thinking about what to write about for my first post-New Year blog…what better way to start the year than New Year’s resolutions? A thing I normally never do, never make and rarely stick to if I have made them.

Typically, I don’t make promises at the beginning of the New Year. Or start diets on a Monday. My theory is that if I want to commit to doing something then it shouldn’t matter when in the year or what day of the week it is.

Don’t know if it’s having children but this year I’ve found myself thinking “I really should do this…” or “I must remember to….” and so far I haven’t “done” or “remembered” to do very much at all.

Apparently, a lot of New Year’s Resolutions fail as the goals are unrealistic. Other reasons include because people don’t keep track of them or simply forget about them.

So hopefully by writing them down, making them achievable and sharing them with you it might help me to stick to them.

Do you have any? What are they? These are my own top 3 (list number 2 – the first list was almost: 1. Eat more chocolate 2. Do less housework 3. Let the kids watch more TV…certainly achievable but not sure how practical!):

1. Take the kids to the library…..This is a shocker. It’s only around the corner, they love books and I’m there every week for a story time that I run but (ahem confession time!) I haven’t taken myown children since the oldest was about 9months. Libraries are lovely places for children and quite often run activities for children such as singing session for little ones, Lego clubs, treasure trails and much more. I’ve taken the first step and now got a library card so watch this space

2. Walk more. I am sooooooooo lazy when it comes to exercise. Find it so much easier to hop in the car or get the bus. The silly thing is when I do walk I really enjoy it and so do the kids.

3. Make more of an effort to spend time with friends. It’s so easy to stay at home or not invite people round because your knackered from being up with the kids in the night, housework, normal work etc. I miss girly nights and (can I be really honest?) chat that isn’t just related to the children. It’s so important to have time that’s not family related. Went for lunch with a friend the other day and realised how good for the soul it was!

Good luck with yours! Would love to hear about them. Please let us know how you’re getting on!
