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Motherwell Cheshire Celebrates Mental Health Awareness Week

At Motherwell Cheshire, we have been busy celebrating Mental Health Week as part of the National Campaign, attending many local events giving out our wellbeing bags and promoting resources and wellbeing support and guidance on social media.

However, every day at Motherwell Cheshire is Mental Health Week, with the charity supporting up to 120 individuals every week.

Wellbeing Coordinator Debbie stated: “Every service that we offer is aimed at improving the mental wellbeing of the women and girls in our local community.  We offer activities, counselling peer support groups and volunteering opportunities.” 

At Motherwell, we have a team of qualified counsellors. Our counselling service is open to young women aged 13 years upwards with no higher age. This fully funded service offers support for domestic abuse, post-natal depression, infant loss, low confidence and body image (this list is not exhaustive).

For individuals that don’t require/want counselling we have many wellbeing activities for both adults and young people. Check out our website for our monthly wellbeing planners that has our activities on and also other local activities that local partners offer.

We are also proud that every member of the Motherwell Team is a Mental Health first Aider trained to support our local community.

The charity has a positive impact on the women and girls that we support with our highlights being we:

  • Increase confidence
  • Increase self esteem
  • Increase coping mechanisms
  • Reduce loneliness and isolation
  • Reduce inequalities
  • Reduce anxieties

Liz’s story

Liz, a former nurse came to Motherwell Cheshire Crochet group after suffering mental health after being in intensive care after catching covid in 2020.  Liz was struggling with her confidence and was still battling with her physical heath first came to our group in 2021.

Liz was welcomed into the group and started to make many friends and felt supported from the wider Motherwell Community. She still suffers the after effects of of covid three years on and have days feeling low but looks forward to our social groups every week.

Liz still attends the group and now volunteers for Motherwell Cheshire running the crochet group but also supporting the charity at community events.

“Motherwell Cheshire have helped me build up my confidence and I have met so many friends over the last 18 months.” said Liz.

Don’t forget you can self-refer to our services. Visit our home page on the website, call 01606 557666 or come and see us at our locations in Crewe and Winsford.

  • 54-64 Beech Drive Wistaston Crewe
  • New Images Community Centre Nixon Drive Winsford.