Funding Application

Funding Application for Future Leaders with lived experiences

Video application for Lived Experience Future Leaders. 

To develop our #iam group as part of the Inspire Project work in collaboration with the local community to make a Mental health friendly community. 

Future leader Chloe, a member of the Inspire Project explaining her aspirations. Chloe has struggling with her mental health for years, now at a point of recovery. Chloe is a member of the #iam youth board and also a regular contributor for the Inspire Cheshire magazine. Chloe already has her own website and wants to help shape services and inform local organisations to understand mental health barriers that exist 

Kate Blakemore CEO/ Founder of the Motherwell Charity, Founded Motherwell Cheshire Charity based on her own battles with mental health. Passionate about workplaces and education settings, more mental health friendly and to understand the real barriers people with mental health face on a daily basis. Kate founded the Motherwell Charity as a trauma informed charity and wants others organisation to follow with this approach.