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Don’t let women suffer in silence, donate today

Lorna and daughter Phoebe Jane Eowyn

We all experience loss in our lives and over the last year coronavirus has seen us all suffer in some form. Yet regardless of who or what you have lost, everyone deserves access to specialist counselling.  At Motherwell we know this, which is why we ensure our counselling service can be accessed by young girls and women when they need us most.

As we emerge from the pandemic our counselling service is more vital than ever.  Yet we urgently need your support today to ensure we can continue to provide expert counselling free for women when they need us the most.

For over five years we have supported hundreds of women and girls so they are able to meet the challenges in their lives and access support whenever they need it. During this time we’ve helped women like Lorna.

Lorna and Phoebe story.jpg

gift of £25 could help us provide a bespoke comfort bag to one of our women as they begin a counselling programme.  These personalised bags help make sure they feel special, and work as an important aid to help them feel comfortable as they start to explore their thoughts, feelings and concerns with one of our professional counsellors. 

We know how important it is for our women to be listened to and offered the right support to help them understand their feelings, particularly where someone is not yet ready to talk publicly about their loss.  In March 2021, we provided over 60 free counselling sessions; with your support we can continue to provide this vital support to women in need. 

Donating £50 today will help someone like Lorna access our free counselling service and ensure they don’t suffer in silence.

Sadly, infant loss is all too common, and the complex feelings of grief are sometimes too much to endure.  After 1:1 counselling our Cherry Blossom group sessions create a safe place to talk with others who have shared a similar experience.  Sharing these experiences during professionally facilitated sessions help our women deal with their grief and understand that they are not alone. 

A generous gift of £100 can provide Cherry Blossom support services to support a group of mums experiencing infant loss.

I know all too well how alone you may feel after suffering infant loss, that is why I am so proud of our counselling services at Motherwell.  Today, will you send a gift to help us continue providing our free service to mums when they so desperately need our listening ear?  Click below to donate online in seconds:


Donate securely online now or contact me for details on alternate ways to donate such as bank transfer or cheque, please feel free to email me on kate@motherwellcheshirecio.com

“Without Motherwell I would still be completely alone and suffering. Sometimes all you need is to be listened to”  Lorna

Thank you for your support, your gift will help us be there to support when women need us the most.